
Facts About Driving Under the Influence and St. Patrick's Day

Those who live in California look forward to fun-filled holidays like St, Patrick's Day. While this holiday often involves indulging in alcohol with family and friends, it is still important to keep road safety in mind during your celebrations. St. Patrick's Day is one of the most dangerous holidays in the nation when it comes to alcohol-related car accidents. Take a look at the following facts.

  • In 2016, 39 percent of the nation's accident fatalities occurred over St. Patrick's Day weekend.
  • Between 2012 and 2016, 269 people died in alcohol-related crashes during the St. Patrick's Day holiday.
  • Also in 2016, nearly three quarters of the country's DUI crashes occurred after midnight the day after (Friday, March 18) St. Patrick's Day.
  • DUI convictions cost Americans thousands of dollars in fines, missed work, increased insurance rates and court costs, to name just a few.

Those who fail to celebrate responsibly could also face serious legal consequences, especially without an adequate criminal defense. This year, law enforcement agencies across the nation plan to participate in the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" DUI prevention campaign.

A large element of this campaign involves police officers conducting alcohol checkpoints in various local places with a goal of catching people who drive under the influence. If you undergo a field sobriety test and fail, you can expect to be arrested on DUI-related charges.

By driving safely and soberly, you can enjoy your St. Patrick's Day holiday without fear of an arrest. If you do find yourself facing charges and you believe they are unfounded, it is wise to seek advice on how to build a sound criminal defense.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, "Saint Patrick's Day - Drive Sober," accessed March 15, 2018

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